- 發布日期:
- 最後更新日期:108-04-18
- 資料點閱次數:41409
中文 | 英譯 |
身心障礙舊制16 類: |
視覺障礙者 | Visual Impairment |
聽覺機能障礙者 | Hearing Impairment |
平衡機能障礙者 | Motion and Balance Impairment |
聲音機能或語言機能障礙者 | Vocal and Speech Impairment |
肢體障礙者 | Moving Functional Limitation |
智能障礙者 | Intellectual and Developmental Disability |
重要器官失去功能者 | Internal Organ Loss Function and Related Disabilities |
顏面損傷者 | Facial Disfigurements |
植物人 | Persistent Vegetative State |
失智症者 | Dementia |
自閉症者 | Autism |
慢性精神病患者 | Chronic Mental Health Conditions |
多重障礙者 | Multiple Disabilities |
頑性(難治型)癲癇症者 | Intractable Epilepsy |
因罕見疾病而致身心功能障礙者 | Rare Diseases |
其他障礙者 | Others |
新制類別無法對應舊制類別者 | Unclassifiable as the Result of Classification System Transformation |
身心障礙新制8 大類: |
神經系統構造及精神、心智功能 | Mental Functions & Structures of the Nervous System |
眼、耳及相關構造與感官功能及疼痛 | Sensory Functions & Pain;The Eye, Ear and Related Structures |
涉及聲音與言語構造及其功能 | Functions & Structures of/involved in Voice and Speech |
循環、造血、免疫與呼吸系統構造及其功能 | Functions & Structures of/related to the Cardiovascular, Haematological, Immunological and Respiratory Systems |
消化、新陳代謝與內分泌系統相關構造及其功能 | Functions & Structures of/related to the Digestive, Metabolic and Endocrine Systems |
泌尿與生殖系統相關構造及其功能 | Functions & Structures of/related to the Genitourinary and Reproductive Systems |
神經、肌肉、骨骼之移動相關構造及其功能 | Neuromusculoskeletal and Movement related Functions & Structures |
皮膚與相關構造及其功能 | Functions & Related Structures of the Skin |
障礙程度: |
極重度 | Profound |
重度 | Severe |
中度 | Moderate |
輕度 | Mild |