- 發布日期:
- 最後更新日期:108-04-18
- 資料點閱次數:5569
中文 | 英譯 |
檢察總長 | Prosecutor General |
檢察長 | Chief Prosecutor |
襄閱主任檢察官 | Deputy Chief Prosecutor |
主任檢察官 | Head Prosecutor |
檢察官 | Prosecutor |
書記官長 | Chief Secretary |
執行檢察官 | Enforcement Prosecutor |
主任檢察事務官 | Prosecutor,s Chief Investigator |
檢察事務官 | Prosecutor,s Investigator |
主任觀護人 | Chief Probation Officer |
觀護人 | Probation Officer |
法警長 | Chief Bailiff |
副法警長 | Deputy Chief Bailiff |
法警 | Bailiff |
主任法醫師 | Chief Forensic Medical Examiner |
法醫師 | Forensic Medical Examiner |
主任 | Director |
科長 | Section Chief |
科員 | Officer |
通譯 | Interpreter |
書記官 | Clerk |
設計師 | Systems Designer |
錄事 | Clerk Assistant |
操作員 | Systems Operator |
工友 | Messenger |
技士〈薦任〉 | Associate Technical Specialist |
技士〈委任〉 | Assistant Technical Specialist |
書記處 | Clerk Division |
人事室 | Personnel Office |
會計室 | Accounting Office |
統計室 | Statistics Office |
資訊室 | Information Management Office |
政風室 | Civil Service Ethics Office |
紀錄科 | Records Section |
文書科 | Documentation Section |
研考科 | Research and Evaluation Section |
資料科 | Data Section |
特別偵查組 | Special Investigation Division |
總務科 | General Affairs Section |
檔案室 | Archives |
收發室 | Mail Room |
所務科 | Detention General Affairs Section |
執行科 | Enforcement Section |
訴訟輔導科 | Litigation Counseling Section |
監印室 | Seal Imprint Room |
研究室 | Study Room |
簡報室 | Briefing Room |
為民服務中心 | Service Center |
聯繫中心 | Connecting Center |
偵查庭 | Investigation Room |
圖書室 | Library |
哺乳室 | Nursery Room |
訊問室 | Interrogation Room |
偵查經濟犯罪中心 | Economic Crimes Investigation Center |
會議室 | Conference Room |
值勤室 | Duty Room |
電腦犯罪防制中心 | Computer Crimes Prevention Center |
刑事報到處 | Registration |
股 | Subsection |
組 | Division |
收件 | Application |
申告鈴 | Ring for Complaints |
重大犯罪被害人申訴處 | Victims’Appeals (Serious Crimes) |
刑事被告具保須知 | Bail Notice |
指認室 | Identity Parade Room |
採尿室 | Urine Collection Room |
發還刑事保證金單一窗口 | Bail Refunds |
具保責付 | Guarantors |
拘留室 | Detention Room |
複印文件 | Copy Service |
諮商室 | Counseling Room |
繕撰書狀 | Documents Assistance |
法律詢問 | Legal Counseling |
公訴 | Public prosecution |
自訴 | Private prosecution |
上訴 | Appeal |
非常上訴 | Extraordinary appeal |
刑法 | Criminal Code |
刑事訴訟法 | The Code of Criminal Procedure |
被告 | Defendant |
證人 | Witness |
被害人 | Victim |
刑事保證金 | Bail |
緩刑 | Suspension of Punishment |
證據 | Evidence |
審判 | Trial |
自首 | Surrender Oneself up to Justice |
自白 | Confession |
指認牆 | Suspect Identification |
易科罰金 | Convert Imprisonment into Fine |
受刑人 | The Sentenced Person |
調解程序 | Mediation Mechanism |
檢驗員 | Forensic Investigator |
贓證物庫 | Loot Storage |
總則 | General Provisions |
分則 | Specific Offenses |
刑 | Punishment |
刑事責任 | Criminal Responsibility |
共犯 | Joint Offenders |
未遂犯 | Attempt |
起訴 | Indictment |
不起訴 | Not to Prosecuted |
緩起訴 | Deferred Prosecution |
偵查終結 | Investigation Concluded |
搜索 | Search |
拘提 | Arrest with a Warrant |
逮補 | Arrest |