Function and Duties
- Publication Date:
- Last updated:2018-11-02
- View count:13307
The Prosecutor General, Head Prosecutor, and Prosecutors supervise and enforce the Supreme Prosecutors Office’s prosecution affairs. In addition, according to the theorem of the authority organization, appropriate divisions of labor and the amount of staff required are to be stablished based on the needs of carrying out all prosecution.
1. Prosecutor General
According to Articles 63 and 66 of the “Court Organization Law” and other relevant provisions of “Criminal Procedure Law”, the Prosecutor General, who is appointed through a special procedure, supervises and directs prosecutors and prosecution affairs nationwide. The Prosecutor General may file an extraordinary appeal to the Supreme Court for a conclusive criminal judgment, if it is discovered that such judgment was made contrary to the laws of the Republic of China.
2. Head Prosecutor and Prosecutors
The Head Prosecutor and Prosecutors are responsible for the following items based on the direction of the Prosecutor General: (Prosecution affairs can be conducted by
groups if there are more than six Prosecutors within the group. One Prosecutor in each group should be assigned as the Head Prosecutor to supervise the affairs of such group.)
‧To conduct third trial appeal criminal cases
‧To conduct extraordinary appeal cases
‧To conduct investigation procedures and other cases
‧To examine cases regarding compensation for wrongful detention and execution
‧To direct the enforcement of judgments
‧Pursuant to orders, to inspect prosecution institutes, prisons, detention houses,and peace preservation measure places in all ranks