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Organization Structure Introduction

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2023-02-02
  • View count:13517

    The Supreme Prosecutors Office is the highest domestic prosecution authority handling prosecution affairs at the third trial level. According to the “Court Organization Law” and the “Regulation of the Supreme Prosecutors Office Affairs”, the organizational structure of the Office is as follows:
Specified numbers of Prosecutors of the Supreme Court Prosecutors Office are placed pursuant to applicable law.  One Prosecutor is assigned as the Prosecutor General, who will be nominated by the President and appointed upon approval of the Legislative Yuan, and will hold the office for four years and is not reelectable.  Prosecution affairs can be conducted by a group if there are more than six Prosecutors within the group.  One Prosecutor in each group should be assigned as the Head Prosecutor to supervise the affairs of such group.
    One Secretary General and a specified number of Law Clerks are placed under the Supreme Prosecutors Office. The number of Law Clerks is determined by orders. The Law Clerks are in charge of records, research and valuation, data, documentation, and general affairs; the above
affairs can be carried out by sections and the Prosecutor General shall designate one Law Clerk in each section who is recommended or appointed to the rank of Section Chief to direct and supervise the affairs of such section. In addition, the Personnel Office, Civil Service Ethics Office, Accounting Office, Statistics Office, and Information Management Office are placed to conduct relevant affairs pursuant to the laws.

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