To direct and supervise prosecution affairs nationwide and to bring the united prosecution function into full play.
To intensively examine the third trial appeal cases and provide legal opinions and raise the quality of judgments.
To deliberately examine accepted extraordinary appeal cases, to correct unlawful judgments, to unify legal opinions, and to protect civilian legal rights.
To carefully and rapidly examine cases regarding compensation for wrongful detention and execution and to save government funds.
To cautiously handle investigation procedures and inspection cases transferred or forwarded from the Supervisory Yuan.
To constructively handle investigations and other cases so as to expose or reveal conspiracies or secrets, and to preserve public security.
To improve the connection between high-level police and investigators of prosecution affairs, to establish a common consensus, and to unify their collective strength so as to fight crime.
To inspect and examine the prosecution affairs of High Prosecutors Office and their branches’ Prosecutors Offices and to evaluate and improve the prosecution function.
To continuously research and develop the extraordinary appeal system and provide the same as a reference for the practical and academic fields.